Monday, June 27, 2022

Portfolio Piece 2 Week 2

 For this week I continued to refine the scene by adding more foliage and used material layers to blend two materials to the cliff.

Material layers will allow stack material on top of each other and to be able to blend between them using masks.

Material layer set up

Material Layers interface

Slope blend mask 

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Sprint #3 Delivery

 For this week I did a final textures to the books and the bookshelf in substance painter and put them in the Unreal engine 4.

Monday, June 20, 2022

Portfolio Piece 2 Week 1

 For this portfolio piece I will be recreating a scene in horizon zero dawn. I will be using mega scan and will be using retime virtual textures to blend the mesh together.

Created a material function to allow meshes to use RVT and put it in the megascan master material.

Material Function

Applied Material Function in Megascan Master Material.

Applied Realtime Virtual Texture

Week 1: set up scene with megascans and establish realtime virtual textures 
Week 2: Adjust scene and make high res cauldron.
Week 3:Game res cauldron and texturing
Week 4: Final render and lighting

Monday, June 13, 2022

Portfolio Piece week 4

 For this last week I created a rock piece in zbrush and did a final edit to the scene. In the scene I created a moving mist shader and use a waterfall effect  from an asset pack in unreal engine.


Mist shader

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Assignment Sprint #2 Delivery

 For this week I modified the wall pieces to have more geometry, and in the process texturing the books
and box in substance painter.

Monday, June 6, 2022

Portfolio Piece Week 3

For this week I uv the castle in maya and textured it in substance painter. I also texture the floating island where I vertex paint the dirt near the entrance. Created the roof tiles in substance designer.


Portfolio piece 3 week 3 update

 I had rendered out night scene with a moon light.