I had rendered out night scene with a moon light.
Akshay Dodia FIEA Art Blog
Thursday, August 4, 2022
Monday, August 1, 2022
Final Sprint
For this week I created a black gradient in photoshop to simulate shadow information and then I went into the scene and placed the textures where there might be shadows.
Portfolio Piece 3 week 3
For this final week I did a final assebly to my archviz and used unreal 5 for rendering with path tracing enabled. I did a combination of model and megascans for my scene and also other external assets.
Monday, July 25, 2022
Portfolio Piece 3 week 2
For this week I created a sofa, table and a lamp and put it in the scene. Then I grabbed megascan assets and put it in the scene and I set up the lighting mood of the scene.
Week 1: Block out floor plan in maya and put it in unreal engine 5
Week 2. Refine apartment and model assets
Week 3: added textures and refine render
Week 4: Final render and model and material work.
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Monday, July 18, 2022
Portfolio Piece 3 week 1
For this week I block out a 1 bed and 1 bath apartment in maya and put it in Unreal Engine 5 and then did a basic lighting set up
Week 1: Block out floor plan in maya and put it in unreal engine 5
Week 2. Refine apartment and model assets
Week 3: added textures and refine render
Week 4: Final render and model and material work.
RealTime Virtual Textures
A Runtime Virtual Texture (RVT) creates its texel data on demand using the GPU at runtime, and works similarly to traditional texture mapping. The RVT caches shading data over large areas, making them a good fit for Landscape shading that uses decal-like materials and splines that are well suited to conform to the terrain.
Using RVT will allow asset and landscape texture blend with each other seamlessly without any harsh lines and allows better improved performance when using high resolution textures. Also able to add height information to a landscape material without additional performance hit.
The first part is to enable virtual textures in the project setting to be able use RVT.
For this week my team created our own version of a Art Style Guide that would be use to create a vr game. I had photo manipulated this grun...
At the top I had recreated the technique that was shown in the video like doing different way of beveling, learning to create sphere from ...
This is my very first 3D render in the graduate program. I have done rendering before in other softwares, but have not made a quick scene ...